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Senior Head Instructor Jim Gage

  • Kung Fu Senior Head Instructor
  • 4th Degree Black Sash in Kung Fu
  • 1st Degree Black Sash in Tai Chi
In Grandmaster Gohring's words:
Head Instructor Gage was introduced to Grand Master Gohring’s School of Tai Chi and Kung Fu in 2009, when his wife entered his name into the Austin Chronicle contest for one week of free classes and a private lesson without his knowledge. They both won a free week of classes and private lesson and quickly fell in love with Tiger Crane Hung Gar Kung Fu. Head Instructor Gage found particular enjoyment in learning new forms and weapons. He earned his first-degree black sash in Kung Fu 2012.

Because Head Instructor Gage enjoyed Kung Fu so much, he entered the Apprentice Instructor Training program in 2011 to learn not only about how to teach Kung Fu, but also how to improve his own technique. During the Apprentice Instructor Training program, Head Instructor Gage learned not only about teaching Kung Fu, but also began to learn beginner level Yang Tai Chi, and the behind-the-scenes workings of a Kung Fu school. Under Grand Master Gohring’s instruction, Head Instructor Gage graduated from the Apprentice Instructor Training Program in 2012 at the time of his black sash graduation.

Head Instructor Gage continued Instructor Training and interning as an Assistant Instructor while he took his first-degree black sash classes, learning new styles such as Chen, Tai Chi saber, and Ba Fa. He found mentoring less experienced students to be enjoyable and rewarding. In 2014, Head Instructor Gage graduated with his second-degree black sash and completed his Assistant Instructor training, graduating to full Instructor.

Head Instructor Gage began teaching at the school in 2015, enthusiastically taking over the beginner Kung Fu classes. He also completed his first-degree black sash in Tai Chi at the end of 2016. His love of learning spills into his classes, where he enjoys teaching challenging, but fun, classes. Head Instructor Gage pushes students to learn the foundational techniques that will prepare them for higher-level classes.

Head Instructor Gage’s teaching philosophy is that in order to improve, a student must be open to continual learning. Learning is an ongoing process. One never reaches perfection, for to reach perfection is to stop learning. Practice several times a week and come to class, and you will always learn something new and improve.

"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."
―Bruce Lee


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Master Gohring's Tai Chi & Kung Fu, 5775 Airport Blvd. Suite 600, Austin, TX 78752 • 512-879-7553